The dependence relationship between steel industry and air separation industry

Interdependence and mutual promotion is the relationship between steel industry and air-separation industry. Growth of steel industry leads the development of gas industry and the development of gas industry promotes steel industry, which is similar to the closed acting force and counter-acting force. New technologies appeared in steel industry require new quantity, quality and technology from gas industry now and again. To meet the continuous demands of steel industry, gas industry has developed itself and promoted the steel industry forward, which can be noticed when looking back the development of domestic and overseas air-separation industry. Get a clear understanding of the relationship between the two industries is extremely important to gas industry, which can remind us to focus the development trends of steel industry and make or modify industry development strategies. It also help gas industry to research new gas technology combined with steel industry to capture business opportunities and control the market. When the steel industry flags, a clear understanding can adjust the marketing direction in time, improve the old air separation plants transformation and reserve technologies.

