Entries from 2017-07-01 to 1 month

Application of gas oxygen in petroleum industry

Oxygen is used as pulverized coal or heavy oil gasifier, heavy oil high temperature cracking is also inseparable from oxygen. The consumption index (equivalent to about 10t/h of ammonia production) of medium-sized ammonia plant switch from…

Application of gas oxygen in coal gasification and liquefaction industry

Coal gasification industry is a large user of oxygen. Oxygen is used as gasification agent of pulverized coal in the process of coal gasification, such as the powder gasification, per ton of synthesis ammonia consumes 500~900m3 of oxygen; …

Application of gas oxygen in coal gasification and liquefaction industry

Coal gasification industry is a large user of oxygen. Oxygen is used as gasification agent of pulverized coal in the process of coal gasification, such as the powder gasification, per ton of synthesis ammonia consumes 500~900m3 of oxygen; …