Application of gas oxygen in petroleum industry

Oxygen is used as pulverized coal or heavy oil gasifier, heavy oil high temperature cracking is also inseparable from oxygen. The consumption index (equivalent to about 10t/h of ammonia production) of medium-sized ammonia plant switch from heavy oil as raw material to coal as raw material, in which oxygen consumption is: Coal water slurry pressurized gasification (conventional furnace) is 9264m3/h; water coal pressurized gasification (two-zone double-furnace) is 7333m3/ h; dry powder pressurized gasification is 7179m3/h; Smoke-free lump coal atmospheric pressure enriched oxygen continuous gasification, China Shenhua coal liquefaction demonstration project will be the world’s first coal direct liquefaction technology to achieve large-scale synthetic oil. To use heavy oil for gasification, per ton of synthetic ammonia consumption is 250~700m3; to use slag oil for gasification, per ton of synthetic ammonia consumption is 850~940m3.

Oxygen plant

